Book of Devotion: A Compendium of devotees and their Otherworldly Deities
A manual-esque anthology exploring the bonds they form.

About the project

"Book of Devotion", a manual-esque anthology about deities, their devotees, and the lore surrounding them!Book of Devotion is an anthology that explores new types of deities and their respective clerics and paladins. We are looking for SFW works from a variety of visual artists and writers, with a shared passion for fantastical beings. Artists and writers will tightly collaborate in order to produce cohesive new deities with their correspondent clerics and paladins!It is important to note that this anthology does NOT exclusively include nor intends to focus on a Dungeons & Dragons approach to deities and their devotees topic. We are looking for a diverse array of new and original deities from various archetypes, as well as for a number of clerics and paladins at their service who are just as original and diverse as them.For more information, please check our Content Guidelines & General Information and our Application Guide documents.


  • 16.5x24cm, full-color SFW art book, 300dpi (A template will be provided).

  • Perfect bound, with around 80+ pages.

  • Accompanied by physical merchandise and digital downloads.


This is a for-profit project. Revenue will be used for the anthology production and shipment costs, after which the remaining profits will be divided evenly between all contributors. As a baseline, all contributors will be entitled to receive a free physical copy of the anthology.


Interest Check OpensNov 3rd
Interest Check CloseNov 10th
Artist Applications OpenNov 20th
Artist Applications CloseDec 4th
Acceptance EmailsDec 15th
Creation Period BeginsDec 16th
First Check-InJan 15th
Second Check-InFeb 16th
Third Check-InMar 1st
Final submissionMar 19th
Preorders OpenApril 2024
Preorders CloseMay 2024
ShipmentAugust 2024
Leftover SalesOct 2024



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Social Media | Writing Mod
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Production | Shipping | Merch Mod
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Chris & Cecilia

Graphic Designers
Chris' twitter · Cecilia's twitter


Is this a D&D anthology?
This is NOT a D&D anthology. We are trying to take a step further and distance this anthology from the D&D conception and representation of clerics, paladins and deities. Even if we wanted to, we wouldn't be able to label this as D&D content because of legal reasons. However, we want the contents of this anthology to be open enough for you to be able to use them in any TTRPG you want, D&D included.
How can I apply?
Applications will open in due time (check our schedule)! Please, be sure to also check our Application Guide and Content Guidelines & General Information documents.
Are we allowed to use pre-existing designs?
We are looking for strictly original characters, the creature/cleric/paladin you create must be completely new and made for the anthology.
Is this anthology SFW?
Yes, this is an SFW anthology. That being said, mild gore & body horror will be allowed, this not being the case with artistic nudity, which is forbidden.
Will minors be allowed to participate in this anthology?
No, they will not. Since the anthology will provide monetary compensation, candidates must be 18 years old or above.
Do I need previous experience in similar projects?
No, previous experience in similar projects isn’t required.
Is this project international?
Yes, it is! It doesn't matter where you live, you can certainly apply to be part of this anthology.
Where is this project based?
The mods in charge of shipping reside in Valencia, Spain, so that’s where the shipments will come from. Shipping schedule might vary depending on local holiday season, but the schedule itself will be planned ahead taking in consideration this variable.
Will you ship to [country]?
We intend to ship worldwide, as there shouldn’t be issues being based in Spain.